Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Death Scare!

Hi folks,

I had a terrible scare last night. I had closed from work and felt i should go to the salon and wash my hair. I got there and decided to fix a new bread. While we were on it, the powerful PHCN or (is it NEPA now), struck and so we had to rely on the generator to finish up the hair.

The salon had no ventilation and so we had to close the door and rely on the fan. The last thing I remember saying was when I celebrated the Liverpool own goal against Chelsea. Gradually we became sick. First it was headache and then dizziness, then fainting, then vomiting etc. The three of us in the salon were experiencing the same feeling at the same time. Only God's intervention served us we would all have been dead within a twinkle of an eye.

The guy making my hair had managed to go out, and having taken in a little fresh air and poured water on his head had recovered quickly, he was the one that helped the rest of us (his younger brother and I) to recover. We had to put off the generator and use the phone light to finish up the hair after an hour of trying to recover from that terrible scare. I got home at 12 am because I had to drop them off.

I am glad to be life and I thank God for intervening just on time and giving Azuka (the hair stylist) the wisdom to aid our recovery. I now know why people die from generator fumes. Terrible feeling I tell u and the process is gradual. I actually saw death but cheated it. Praise God!

Well, I almost spoil my joy today when instead of deleting what was obviously a disgusting funwall i hit the forward button instead. I have been so sad all day but I feel better now that I have apologised to everybody. We are all humans and prone to mistakes. Please I am apologising again for a funwall you must have received from me via my email. I feel so ashamed but thank God for forgiving friends who have already accepted my apologise. Thanks and remain blessed.

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