Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hi Folks,
Its' Good Friday. Yep the very day over 2000 years ago our Lord Jesus Christ voluntarily laid down His life for you and I. The least we can do is give Him thanks always so far we have breath trapped in our nostrils. Many will wish to be here but are six feet beneath. Others are in war zone, farmine zone, disease ravage zone and yet some of us by His grace select what to eat, wear and where to sleep. It is not your power nor that you are too special, it is simply God's Grace.
So, let us all use this opportunity to go back and have a look at things we should have done differently, the people we should forgive and set your target before the next easter. let us be reminded that He has been sacrificed, He will rise again and our sins would have been forgiven, He has washed us clean!!! You are free from ur sins. Make sure u sow into somebody's life this easter period, God will continue to bless u abundantly.
Secondly, Easter is a time of love, of family, and of peace. It is a time when we say a quiet thanks for all that we have and for all that the future holds. Easter is a feeling in our hearts of hope and faith and trust. It is a day of miracles; a day when our dreams seem a little closer; a time of retrospection for what has been and anticipation of all that will be. And it is a time for remembering with love and appreciation the people in our lives who make a difference... people like you.
Happy Easter Wishes to You and Your Family

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